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Addiction And Recovery

Understanding Addiction

This is an online course about addiction which explains the Christian World View. It explains the why and wherefore reasons that addiction happens and is a social concern. Answers and helps are given throughout the course to provide for those who suffer from addictions. There is also discussion about the different methods and protocols of treatment and why they are used and the probable results that may come from their exercise. Click on the bold green title to access each study lesson.

Then Jesus Came . . . Deliverance
from Addiction

The result of the first occasion.
Audio Discussion 37 minutes

The Devastation of Addiction

Excess – Escape
Audio Discussion 38 minutes

The Devastation of Addiction

Its Appetite
Audio Discussion 33 minutes

The Devastation of Addiction

The Three Step Solution for Recovery. Audio Discussion 41 minutes

Understanding Addiction: A Solution Based Ministry

This lesson discusses reality beyond sin itself, the…

Understanding Addiction: Seeking Escape (Part 2)

This portion emphasizes the need to minister to “running…

Understanding Addiction: Addressing Desire

This portion also addresses demand which leads…

Solutions from the Biblical Perspective

This lesson discusses the whys of the consequences of peoples life choices…

Understanding Addiction

Discusses further the fight or flee nature of man, in particular the flee or “escape” mechanism and why man chooses this option.
Audio Discussion 41 minutes.

The Chemical Gospel

All sin is addictive, not just opioids.  Questions dealt with are: “Why do people initially experiment with narcotics?” ” Why do people continue to use illicit drugs?”  Detailed in this film is the issue of choices, the aspect of “escape”, and the effort to satisfy needs or desires.